The Next Generation

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Next Generation Families

The families of our generation come in so many shapes and sizes. Gone are the “Joneses” with their 2.5 kids and four-door minivan. Today we thrive as a community of single parents and independent teenagers, as traditional and nontraditional families. Our differences make us stronger as we all work towards our one goal of living God-centered, Christ-honoring lives. The Highland Community Church congregation is teaming with families of every age, race and background. Together many of these families work toward that goal by growing and developing the next generation in their faith. From young mothers to wise grandparents, Highland is full of Jesus-focused individuals who are willing to invest in the youth of our church.

Tony Hull, a young father, is one of the many Highland attenders who has experienced the incredible joy that comes from being a part of his son’s growth in his relationship with the Lord. He says, “Just two weeks ago Liam asked “Dad, can I have my own Bible?” and that rocked my world.”  The capital campaign project has the potential to “give kids an example of how important they are,” as they become the next generation of believers.

Another young mother, Emily Yach, makes the profound point that “the more we invest in our kids, the more hope we’ll have for the future. They are the next generation and if we are equipping them now, they are going to make a better world, reaching people with the gospel.” The decisions we make today have the potential to impact the positive influence the youth of our church will have in the future.

Grandparents Arnie and Loretta Flagel also realize the vast impact the church has on the youth of today and vice versa. Advancing our youth is not only a joy-filled experience for parents and young adults in the church; its benefits impact all ages and family positions.  “Churches are dying because they don’t have a youth program,” says Loretta, but thankfully we are blessed because the youth program is “a vibrant part of Highland.” Despite not having young children, Arnie and Loretta “really feel like a part of [the Next Generation Capital Campaign] because they are a part of the church.”

It is the Lord’s work that remains the focus throughout all of the progress.  This project isn’t just about the children, the youth, the young adults, the middle age couples or the more mature Highland attenders. It is a project for the Kingdom. We are a generation of technology and growth, and it is up to us to use these gifts to further the Kingdom and make the incredible love of Jesus accessible to all. As individuals, our stories define us, and as Christians, our relationship with our Heavenly Father shapes our stories. Together as the church body it is our joy to pass on these stories to the next generation and provide them with opportunities to grow in their faith. 

Posted by Keahna Fenwick with