Children's Ministry

NextGen Children's Ministry at Highland helps children (birth – 5th grade) take their first steps in a relationship with Jesus. 

Psalm 78:4 ‘We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, His power, and the wonders He has done.’ 



All children's volunteers undergo background checks before serving in NextGen ministries and we staff two or more leaders for all children's ministries, groups, or events. We also employ a security badge system where parents print their child's security name tag and parent badge at a kiosk. Children will not be checked out unless parents present their parent badge when picking up their child(ren). First time visitors can register their child(ren) at the nursery counter (Wausau) or at the Connection Point (Weston, Merrill, and Marathon). Click here to view our Well-Child Policy.


Our Nursery is designed to allow parents (and all adults) the opportunity to fully engage in the worship services and events at Highland while knowing that their little ones are being ministered to and loved. Young children can be dropped off before service at the nursery, kept with you, or we have cry rooms at Wausau and Merrill campuses. 

Children's Church

Children's Church (age 4 – 2nd grade). A ministry geared to teach children at their level during the Sunday morning worship gathering. (except the Traditions Service and 8am service in Merrill). Children remain with their family for the first 20 minutes of service to join in public worship and then are dismissed before the sermon to have a Bible lesson, singing, and crafts. 

There are also Children's bulletins available to aid children in learning during the service. 

Sunday School

Sunday School is available for ages 3 – 5th grade and provides our most in-depth Biblical instruction for NextGen students. The Sunday School hour is from 9:20-10:10am each Sunday during the school year and there are classes for the whole family.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held at all of our campus sites (different weeks / same program). VBS is for children age 4 - 5th Grade and is the perfect time to invite friends to learn about God. VBS is free and open to all children in our communities. Check out the Publications and Forms page to access registration forms and see our summer calendar (above) for VBS dates.


B.A.S.I.C. (Becoming a Servant In Christ) is for incoming 4th and 5th graders. This group meets six times throughout the summer and involves in-depth theology, team-building activities, and opportunities to serve. Check out the Publications and Forms page to access registration forms and see our summer calendar (above) for meeting dates and times.

One way club

Weekly Evening Program - Children (age 4 - 5th Grade) are welcome to join One Way Club (early September to the end of April). The curriculum in OWC brings children through the whole story of the Bible every five years. Kids will receive robust Biblical instruction, memorize Scripture, play games, sing, and grow in Life Groups. Children earn tokens for memorizing verses which can be used at Trading Post or applied toward Camp Cash at the end of the year. Guests are welcome, so encourage your children to invite friends! Check out the Publications and Forms page to access the registration form and theme calendar for the year.

- Marathon Campus OWC: Wednesdays, 5:45 - 7:15pm
- Merrill Campus OWC: Mondays, 6:00 - 7:40pm
- Wausau Campus OWC: Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:40pm
- Weston Campus OWC: Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30pm


Centershot uses the life skill of archery to connect children with others through fun and fellowship, while growing in their relationship with the Lord. Archery is the “most talked about” sport in the Bible. Many life lessons can be found in the Bible that relate directly to archery and we dig into them during our Bible study time each night. Our eight week “flights” are designed to build a solid foundation for faith. Centershot is unique, as we encourage children (grade 4 and up) to participate alongside their parents and grandparents. Entire families can enjoy Centershot together. We encourage your children to connect with us, grow in their relationship with the Lord, and tell their friends! All archery equipment and materials are provided and there is no charge! For more information contact Chris Janke at  

His plans, our hands

Highland's "His Plans, Our Hands" creative puppet ministry helps bring the message of God to all ages through black light puppets, music, and more. The group regularly practices at the Weston Campus and has performed at One Way Club nights, Thanksgiving Soup and Pie services, and more. This is a TEAM ministry open to families, youth, and teens. Children younger than 5th grade need a parent/adult to participate with them to be in the group. For more information, contact Bram Jarvis at 715-370-0099 or .