var u167000136="deeannjw"; var h1013070705="";var linktext=u167000136+'@'+h1013070705;document.write('' + linktext + ''); ; 608-617-1857) and Sue Gotham ( ; 715-551-4483). Meeting Sept. 10 – Nov. 19 6:30 – 8:00 PM at the Weston Campus. Please purchase, online or at a bookstore: TOTAL Forgiveness Experience, A Study Guide to Repairing Relationships (ISBN# 978-1-59185-552-1). "/>


Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Group: Weston Campus

Room: WES - Room 6

Tuesday Evenings at the Weston Campus TOTAL FORGIVENESS: Total Forgiveness sets us free to live abundantly. Forgiveness impacts all areas of life – physical health, emotions, spiritual life, relationships, careers, etc. Forgiving totally, repeatedly, and completely when everything in you wants to hold a grudge, point a finger, and remember the pain, God wants you to lay it all aside. We will learn what forgiveness is and what it is not and how to know if we have TOTALLY FORGIVEN. Led by DeeAnn Westerhaus ( ; 608-617-1857) and Sue Gotham ( ; 715-551-4483). Meeting Sept. 10 – Nov. 19 6:30 – 8:00 PM at the Weston Campus. Please purchase, online or at a bookstore: TOTAL Forgiveness Experience, A Study Guide to Repairing Relationships (ISBN# 978-1-59185-552-1).
Tuesday Evenings at the Weston Campus
Total Forgiveness sets us free to live abundantly.  Forgiveness impacts all areas of life – physical health, emotions, spiritual life, relationships, careers, etc.  Forgiving totally, repeatedly, and completely when everything in you wants to hold a grudge, point a finger, and remember the pain, God wants you to lay it all aside.  We will learn what forgiveness is and what it is not and how to know if we have TOTALLY FORGIVEN.  Led by DeeAnn Westerhaus ( ; 608-617-1857) and Sue Gotham ( ; 715-551-4483).  Meeting Sept. 10 – Nov. 19 6:30 – 8:00 PM at the Weston Campus. Please purchase, online or at a bookstore:  TOTAL Forgiveness Experience, A Study Guide to Repairing Relationships (ISBN# 978-1-59185-552-1).

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