The Next Generation

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The Next Generation

The Next Generation...the title sparks thoughts of Star Trek - The Next Generation.  Not what we had in mind!  Rather we are referring to our "under 20's" at Highland.  They are so important!  Teaching children about God is imperative-it is a Kingdom work we are called to do!

We are lacking space for children and youth at the Wausau Campus.  Sunday School classes are packed and our Wednesday night children’s and youth ministries are stretched to capacity; we have overflowed into staff offices and hallways because all available spaces are full!  We also have a pressing need for an expanded, designated, secure, and creative place for our nurseries and toddlers.  Is this a problem?  Perish the thought!  It is a great opportunity! God is good.

To adequately serve the people God has graciously entrusted to us, we must expand the Wausau facility. On November 2, 2014 all three facilities voted and passed a proposal to add additional children’s and fellowship space at the Wausau facility. Approval allows us to reallocate and redesign space for both our youth and adult ministries. Also, as a part of the capital campaign, we want to upgrade video capabilities to provide direct feed sermons to Weston and Marathon. 

Although plans are still being developed, we are likely looking at a $2.5 million capital campaign, based on three year pledges, with a 10% tithe of the total collected going directly to missions.

It might be that someone would sincerely think I do not attend the Wausau Campus so this campaign is not for me. Let me gently say that, while understandable, all who act thusly would miss part of the beauty of being one church in three campuses.   With thankfulness, we work together! Joyfully, we are ONE church with ONE budget! We might remember that the $1,000,000 Weston Campus was purchased with funds mostly collected from Wausau Campus offerings. And, praise God, this is the way it should be! Someday, the financial situation may be reversed and Marathon and Weston may be required to help Wausau. As one church in three campuses, we must guard our hearts against a “my campus” mindset. We do ministry together. We do Kingdom work together. We are ONE church together—including financial stewardship!

I invite each of us to begin to pray—really pray—about our individual part in this capital campaign. Consider what God wants each of us to give beyond our normal offering to make this a reality. We pastors and elders prayerfully believe that God is leading us to take this next step for the NEXT Generation! Please join us!

Jeffrey Hinds, Highland Community Church Senior Pastor

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